Music is a kind of food for our souls. Good music is a luxury to have. Shows like The Voice are one of the kinds. Four judges take blind auditions. They do not see a face, they just hear a voice. If they find that voice perfect then press the buzzer to look at the person.

People around the world love to watch auditions, this is the only way to find new artists to love. So we are here to share some of the best voice auditions of 2021 – 2022. You would be amazed after listening to these voices.
The Voice Auditions Of 2021 – 2022.
1 Bella Taylor Smith – Ave Maria by Beyoncé

Bella Taylor smith sings Ave Maria by Beyoncé. A young and soulful voice. She starts the song with a low tempo and slowly and gradually she makes it big. She chose a perfect song to get selected. Ave Maria is a perfect song that brings out all high and low pitches. This way the judges can fully judge the voice.
2 Sebastian Krenz – Still Loving You by Scorpions

A young and energetic boy who chose a song that has both contemporary love and rock. Still loving you is a major hit song. It gives the voice both thing love and drama. The song comes with both high and low pitches which help the candidate to be selected at the show. Scorpions did justice to the song and instantly got selected.
3 Kay Chante – I Love You by Billie Eilish

Honestly, Billie Eilish does not give you the idea that she can pull off this song so easily. The way she is singing this song is incredible. I love you by Kay Chante is a soft song. It describes love with so much pain and she pulls this off so smartly. Ellie expresses her voice perfectly in this song you would be amazed and keep listening to it again and again.
4 Natan Dagur – Bruises by Lewis Capaldi

Natan Dugur sings “Bruises” incredibly. He makes the point that you start loving his voice in just a few seconds. He adds pain in his voice so beautifully that you fall in love with his hard work right away. To be selected for this audition he chose the right song. You will be impressed by his voice and will keep listening to his audition.
5 Girl Named Tom’s Four-Chair Turn Performance: “Helplessly Hoping”

A young band name Girl Named Tom perfectly sings a country song helplessly hoping. The judges are just oozed by their performance from the beginning. They hit the right chords. They have perfect synchronization. They beautifully sing this song. It simply made judges jump right out of their chairs. They make judges go wow instantly.
The Voice is a famous music show in the world. People around the globe take part in it and many people are waiting to watch best the voice auditions of 2021 – 2022. The best auditions are always worth watching.