Artfinder New For MAY Collection At Affordable Price

Artfinder budget deals

Artfinder connects you directly with independent artists around the world, whether you’re an art lover or just curious about art. Its mission is to sell art that changes lives. Each piece is original and signed by the artist on the website, carrying its own unique story.

Their goal is to create a world where artists can earn a living from their passion. A place where anyone, no matter what their taste or budget, can easily find and buy original art. The best thing about Artfinder that separates it from any other online store is the fresh content they post every new month. Here are our picks from the Artfinder New for May collection to help you decide what to buy this month.


Best Paintings From Artfinder New For May Collection

Transporter Bridge Paper Cut Collage

Price: £130.00



The lines and shape of the Transporter Bridge in Newport inspired this paper-cut artwork. It’s made of heavyweight navy-blue paper with splashes of color and comes ready to frame placed on an acid-free soft surface. There are only 100 hand-painted copies of this painting, and each one is named and signed.

With this art, change your mood and make your home like new.


Cat sculpture called Oscar (2022)

Price: £175.00



Oscar is an integration pipe smoker who wears tortoiseshell glasses and is not only a lifestyle influencer but also a collector of antique teacups. Plaster clay has been sculpted into Oscar’s face and painted with acrylic paint and varnished, while polymer clay is used to make his glasses and pipe. The tobacco on Oscar’s pipe is made from a small piece of sea sponge, and the keyhole design on his plaque allows him to be hung on the wall.

Inject some color into your home with this wonderful painting.



El Puerto de Santa María II (2022)

Price: £1,474.43


It’s an acrylic painting on a large canvas made entirely of cotton. There is no need to frame it because this stretched canvas is ready to hang. Moreover, this canvas is UV-protected with a gloss varnish. Also, the back of this painting is signed and dated by the artist.

Feel the mark of perfection with this art.


Waiting for something (2022)

Price: £1,682.60



This painting tells a story of a young woman leaning inside the arch. She looks out into the distance as if she didn’t expect anything from anyone. Furthermore, the arch opens onto a beach, and a villa can be seen at the bottom of the beach. You can use this painting as a stylish way to decorate your home in all places or use it as a gift idea.

Life is art. Live yours in color with this art.


Plant your hope with good seeds (2022)

Price: £2,400.00



A big oil painting that represents the desire for escape and another world.

The artist attempted to let your instincts flow in this piece, experimenting with various oil painting methods and brush strokes without overthinking the outcome. It turned out to be a highly imaginative, free-spirited piece that helps you relax.

We can make it beautiful for you with this amazing painting.

Artfinder New for May collection is featured in this integration article so that you can be sure of the quality and uniqueness of the chosen painting.

The paintings in the Artfinder are original, so you will get what you see in the gallery.

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