Reduce Your Security Concerns With Carly’s Special Birthday Discounts

Carly is a car-tech company that connects drivers with the information hidden inside their cars. They provide simple solutions throughout the lifecycle of car ownership delivering peace of mind and empowering you to save time and money. Right now, they are having their birthday sale going on their website.


The sale will be launched unofficially late this afternoon (CEST), officially starting on June 29 and going until midnight (PST) on July 2nd. It’s their biggest sale of the season and gives customers 20% off their website purchases. The code is “bday20” and is automatically applied when anyone visits during that time. So, why wait, Go hurry up and take advantage now.


Keep Your Car Running Like New With My Carly

Carly is compatible with a wide range of vehicles

Carly is designed specifically for OBD2-compliant vehicles. The gadget is compatible with most OBD2 automobile models made after 1996.

As an example, consider BMW. Once you unlock these specific supported models, all functionalities are completely available. The fashion models include:

  • BMW 1 Series models supported include E81, E82, E87, and E88.
  • It is compatible with BMW 3 series models E90, E91, E92, and E93.
  • The BMW 5 Series models supported include E60, E61, E63, and E64.
  • The E65 and E66 models are supported for the seven series.
  • The adaptor is only compatible with X-series automobiles. These are the E84, E70, E71, and E72 versions of the X1, X3, X5, and X6.
  • The BMW Z4 E89 model.
  • Minis above the R56 model.
  • Every F model.

The Carly adaptor works with both iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.

Another year, another reason to celebrate! 



An excellent choice for any car owner looking for a reliable scan tool



This is perhaps the best feature of Carly. The program provides you with extensive coding capabilities. Coding will not only allow you to customize your automobile electronics to your liking, but it will also allow you to modify the code to roughly 100 other things.

Parameters gauge

The system examines all of the gauges in the engine in the same way that an expert would. This provides a clearer view of how your engine’s electric components are performing.

Used car check

Carly conducts proper diagnostics tests on every car model that is compatible. The check ensures that you do not receive a terrible bargain on a used automobile. In addition, Carly tells you of the vehicle’s current condition.

Get started in three easy steps

1. Plug it in

Every vehicle has an OBD2 port. It is usually located on the floorboard of the vehicle.

2. Turn on the ignition

When the ignition is turned on, the Carly scanner accesses the control units. All vehicle data are accessed.

3. Connect

Download the Carly app to your mobile phone, open it, and simply connect via Bluetooth. Don’t wait until it’s too late! Monitor your car’s performance with a car scanner from Carly.


Get our hands on the discount today and let your car thank you for something that can actually be its best friend for life.

Don’t forget to use the code bday20 before checkout

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