

Top 5 Hotels in Phuket Thailand

Thailand is popular for its hospitality and an amazing influx of tourists all around the year. However, the province located in the south of Thailand


Top 5 Hotels in the Maldives

The Maldives has been the top most preferred holiday destination for tourists around the globe. It is certainly not an exaggeration if the Maldives is

Blog - Viral content and trending Fashion News

How Many Are In Brazil Carnival In 2022?

The word “Carnival” refers to the era where followers of the Roman Catholic faith would indulge in one last day-before Lent -a period when people

boom festival
Blog - Viral content and trending Fashion News

How Many People In Boom Festival 2022?

Boom Festival is a psychedelic music and arts festival that takes place in Portugal. The Boom Festival, with 40.000 visitors spanning all age groups this

Blog - Viral content and trending Fashion News

How Many People Went To Tomorrowland 2022

The electronic music festival Tomorrowland is one of the biggest and most popular festivals in the world. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people travel