“Play” Is Back At Chamäleon Berlin DE

Chamäleon theatre

PLAY” is back with its captivating performances to entertain its audience. Attending a show at Chamäleon will take you into a world of fun. You will experience a combination of acrobatics, theater, and creativity at Chamäleon. Chamäleon is a place where arts and mesmerizing performances combine. In this way, audiences witness unforgettable entertainment experiences. Chamäleon is recognized all over the world and invites you to experience artistry, creativity, and innovation. The performances are in the form of storytelling, visual arts, and multiple creative ideas that provide a unique and different experience to the audience.

Don’t miss the chance to witness talented acrobats performing skillful acts and giving you unforgettable memories. “PLAY” is returning to Chamäleon and everyone is excited about it. Let’s discover more about “PLAY”.


“Play” – A Guest Performance Series

PLAY series comes to Chamäleon for the second time. On its 20th anniversary, there will be eight companies to express their views on the circus. It will have international and local guest shows.

Below we discuss some of the shows by the PLAY series.


The Receptionists

From 19.01 – 21.01.2024



This is a physical comedy show. This show is about two receptionists who can speak various languages but these are not understandable. It is a 55-minute show.

If you are going to watch this show, it will be a delightful experience.


Gap of 42

23.01 – 25.01.2024



This play is performed by two acrobatically different people. One acrobat is 42 kg more in weight and 42 cm taller in height than the other. This difference does not stop them from performing. These acrobats have an extraordinary talent for performing stunts with a touch of humor. It is a 65-minute play performed in a nonverbal language.

Be prepared and book your tickets now to experience the magic of acrobats a Chamäleon.


Pss Pss

10.01 – 14.01.2024



This play is inspired by the silent movies era. Watching this play is fun. This funny and touching play is performed using expressions and gestures. This play is performed without speaking a word. It is a combination of acrobatics, humor, drama, and modern clowning. You should go to their website to get more updates. So book your seat without any delay for a night full of captivating performances.

It is a 65-minute show that is presented in nonverbal language.



Journey to Mimoto

January 31st – 02/01/2024




Circus Sonnenstich wants everyone to join them on their journey. “Journey to Mimoto” includes a physical performance whose purpose is to search for identity both inside and out. It will lead to self-discovery packed with different art skills, mystery, and magic. The duration of this play is 90 minutes plus a break. It invites artists to perform mesmerizing performances. Chamäleon presents multiple programs and plays that can change with time. Before visiting Chamäleon, go to their website to get information about the latest plays and shows happening at Chamäleon.

Chamäleon Berlin is a place of traditional circus and artistic innovation.


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