Direkt Vom Feld DE Review | Rejuvenate your kitchen décor

direkt Vom Feld DE Review

Direkt Vom Feld DE is a website that specializes in selling high-quality spices and herbs. They offer a wide range of products, including organic and fair-trade options. They have a great selection of unique and hard-to-find spices and provide excellent customer service to ensure customer satisfaction.

Discover the world of organic spices directly from the producer. They went on a quest to find the best spice crops. With their organic spices you can take your dishes to the next level of taste. Create a delicious meal with Direkt Vom Feld DE review flavorful spices, perfect for beer lovers and travelers. Now put on your cooking apron and try it out!


Spice Up Your Kitchen With Direkt Vom Feld DE Review


Italian Garlic

Price: €129.00 / Per kg



The garlic granules can be used in the same way as fresh garlic. It tastes intensely spicy and has a slightly spicy note. In the cold kitchen, the full aroma of the granules unfolds over time. It is therefore best to let the garlic soak in the dishes. The intense aromas are particularly well absorbed by oil and fat.

Add bold flavor to your favorite dishes with this Italian Garlic.


Vegetable Broth

Price: €47.60 / Per kg



The vegetable broth tastes wonderfully full-bodied and spicy without being too salty. The flavors of the vegetables complement each other in perfect harmony and form the ideal basis for your dishes as a broth. You can use the vegetable broth just like any other vegetable broth.

Add a touch of flavor to your cooking with this high-quality Vegetable Broth.


Himalayan Crystal Salt

Price: €90.83 / Per kg



In addition to the wonderful pink color, Himalayan salt offers us various important trace elements and other minerals. It is natural and was only washed after dismantling. In terms of intensity, it is also significantly milder and more pleasant than classic sea salt. Also discover our Himalayan salt pyramids, these small natural wonders are created with the help of a unique process.

Create a delicious meal with this flavorful Himalayan Crystal Salt.


Vanilla Beans

Price: €1,842.86 / Per kg



The pods smell lovely, delicate, and flowery soft. Vanilla tastes intense, very sweet, and spicy. The special thing about our gourmet Madagascar vanilla is that its taste is often described as more chocolaty than that of Bourbon vanilla. Madagascar vanilla pods are exceptionally large at around 18 cm in length and contain more aromatic vanilla seeds than conventional vanilla pods.

Add a touch of flavor to your baking with these high-quality Vanilla Beans.


Miriquidi Rub

Price: €198.67 / Per kg



The Miriquidi Rub tastes wonderfully aromatic and intense. The aromas of the spices contained complement each other perfectly and make the mixture a real all-rounder for hearty cuisine. The warm, earthy nuances are complemented by fresh, resinous aromas and fruity-spicy notes.

Add a touch of adventure to your cooking with this high-quality Miriquidi Rub.


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