Don’t Worry Darling Showtimes Near Me


Are you looking for the perfect movie night-out plan? Look no further! ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ is the must-see film released on 23 September 2022, and showtimes near you are available now. So grab your friends, family members, and loved ones, and prepare for an unforgettable night at the movies. With intriguing plot twists and incredible cinematography, this film will entrance you from start to finish. Don’t delay – check out Don’t Worry Darling showtimes near me.



Discover Don’t Worry Darling Showtimes Near Me


Welcome to the world of Don’t Worry Darling – the thrilling new movie by Olivia Wilde that follows a 1950s housewife as she discovers dark secrets amidst a romantic lifestyle. This mysterious psychological thriller will leave you on the edge of your seat and begging for answers! Join us as we explore Don’t Worry Darling and all its twists and turns!



Don’t Worry Darling Storyline

Don’t Worry Darling is a psychological thriller directed by Olivia Wilde, starring Florence Pugh and Harry Styles. The film follows Alice (Pugh) and Jack (Styles) as they live in Victory, a company town that houses the mysterious Victory Project, its employees, and their families.

On the surface, life seems perfect: all needs are taken care of by the company, so long as everyone shows commitment to their cause. However, things turn darker when hints of something more sinister start to show through the cracks in this seemingly happy world – leaving Alice questioning what’s going on in this ‘paradise’.

As she digs deeper into her investigation, she will soon discover how much she is willing to risk to uncover the truth about Victory. With an all-star cast and intriguing storyline, Don’t Worry Darling is sure to be a fascinating watch for fans of psychological thrillers!



Real Drama Behind the Scene


The filming of Don’t Worry Darling hasn’t gone exactly as planned. Things have gotten complicated for director Olivia Wilde, who split with her longtime partner, Jason Sudeikis, during the shoot and began dating Harry Styles – the pop star and lead in the film, which was previously linked to Kristen Stewart. This love triangle has made headlines across the globe and has raised questions about whether or not an affair between Wilde and Styles took place on set.

Meanwhile, Florence Pugh, another star of Don’t Worry Darling, doesn’t appear pleased with her director’s portrayal of her character as she recently grumbled at journalists when asked about certain sex scenes within the movie. There have also been rumors that Pugh wasn’t too fond of Wilde and Styles’ relationship, causing further tension.

Despite all this drama going on behind the scenes, though, it appears people were enticed by it as Don’t Worry Darling still earned an estimated $19 million in its domestic debut, which is well above its reported $35 million budget, making everybody involved financially successful regardless of their relationships or views on sex scenes within a movie!

At this point, the real drama is no longer taking place behind cameras but rather off-screen.



Wrapping Up

For charming movie entertainment, “Don’t Worry Darling” is the perfect pick. With its unique blend of comedy and drama and its talented cast, this movie will leave a lasting impression. To experience its glory, check your local theater listings for showtimes near you. So what are you waiting for? Grab your popcorn and enjoy!

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