Fotografiska Stockholm SE Program Review | Your Path to Photography Excellence

Fotografiska Stockholm SE

Embark on your journey to photography excellence with Fotografiska Stockholm SE Courses. These immersive programs offer invaluable insights and hands-on experience, guided by industry experts. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned photographer, Fotografiska’s courses provide the skills and inspiration to capture stunning visuals and tell compelling stories through your lens.


Fotografiska Stockholm SE – Where Photography Dreams Come to Life

My Photographic Life

Price: SEK 27,800


The “My Photographic Life” course, spanning nearly a year, combines theory and practice through workshops, discussions, lectures, and homework. Led by renowned teacher Göran Segeholm, it enhances participants’ image-making skills, fosters image analysis, and cultivates the ability to articulate thoughts about images and their significance.

A year-long course for those who want to give photography more space!


Portrait with Knut Koivisto

Price: 5595 SEK


In tribute to Peter Lindbergh, they offer you a workshop in portrait photography with one of Sweden’s most respected photographers and also the creator of Fotografiska’s Wall of Fame – Knut Koivisto! The course runs on a Saturday and a Sunday starting at 10 a.m. They meet at Fotografiska and will take place both indoors and outdoors. For two days they work with lighting, storytelling, positioning, etc., and will have a close dialogue with Knut before and after the end of the course.

A weekend of creativity awaits!


Your mobile story

Enhance mobile photography skills with our course, “Your Mobile Story.” Explore themes like narrative, portrait, still life, and abstract photography. Choose one or all four genres to delve into, perfect for crafting photo albums or simply learning. Unleash the potential of your mobile camera and capture exciting, beautiful, and memorable moments. Join the “Your Mobile Story” course to elevate mobile photography skills through themed sessions. Create memorable photos with them!

Unlock the world of mobile photography with this course.


Your mobile story – Narrative

Price: SEK 495


Narrative images are about creating a story. By placing two or more objects next to each other, we can highlight differences and make the viewer of the image think of something outside the image. At this workshop we practice “timing” and photographing narrative images, which can either be capturing a moment or staging with “narrative objects”.

Step into the world of storytelling photography with this course.


Photo for parental leave – valuable pictures

Price: 1995 SEK


Are you at home with a little friend and want to be inspired in everyday photography together with others on parental leave? Then this is a course for you. Three mornings they meet at Fotografiska to, under Jenny Hammar’s guidance, get away from the prettiness and depict everyday life in more narrative images. Light, technology, and editing will be touched upon in a brand new course at Fotografiska where they filter out the arranged and tell about life as it is!

Join this course and capture the beauty of your daily life with your little one!


Explore the world of photography at Fotografiska – join them for creative courses!

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