Glimpse Of Us Meaning And Lyrics

lyrics translation

The heartache and longing of a past relationship are immortalized in Joji’s melancholic track, “Glimpse Of Us”. This agonizing tribute to his ex-lover showcases the struggles that arise when trying to come to terms with the end of a significant bond and move on. Here we explore the profound meaning behind this painfully beautiful song.



Exploring the Emotional Depth of Joji’s “Glimpse of Us” Lyrics


Verse 1: Yearning for the Past Love

It’s natural to feel a yearning toward past love, so Joji’s opening verse speaks volumes with its raw truth. In his lyrics, he remembers how their relationship made him feel. He recalls vibrant colors that filled his world as well as how they drastically lifted a weight off his shoulders.

Despite being in what is seemingly a perfect relationship present day, Joji still can’t help but be wistful of memories from the past. It’s understandable as one can never forget their first love; however, this feeling should not take away from the bliss of current relationships either.



Pre-Chorus/Chorus/Bridge: Finding a Glimpse of the Past

Though outwardly moving on, inwardly Joji feels like an impostor who’s masquerading as cleansed when looking into his partner’s eyes, he catches a glimpse of what has been lost forever –his previous love. The conflicting emotions become overwhelming as he struggles between basking in new joy and constantly reminiscing about what was before; forging ahead while at the same time wanting desperately not to forget about those precious moments from long ago.

Verse 2: Comparisons & Hypotheticals

Throughout this verse, Joji contemplates his ex’s new partner, wondering if they bring her the same joy and admiration he once did. These comparisons highlight the lingering doubts and questions that surface when one is attempting to make sense of a broken relationship. Joji also suggests that his ex may still feel a faint semblance of their bond, insinuating that some pieces can never truly break away.



The Unresolved Longing

“Glimpse Of Us” carries an undeniable air of unresolved longing as it exposes the emotional rollercoaster experienced after a painful breakup. The conflicting need to find closure while still clinging onto all parts of those memories is expertly portrayed as Joji navigates through these raw emotions. It serves as an important reminder that healing is not always linear or easy; sometimes it requires more time and introspection than expected.

Music Video Analysis

“Glimpse of Us”‘s music video hits hard. It showcases two lost souls living in a state of sadness and boredom, desperately trying to fill the void caused by a broken heart but falling into reckless habits instead. Like an unstoppable abyss, the pain of unrequited love engulfs them in waves – bringing about some rather unfortunate consequences. An insightful reminder that we should never take our loved ones for granted!



Wrapping Up

Through his song “Glimpse of Us,” Joji portrays a multifaceted journey of healing from a broken relationship. Its lyrics portray emotions like nostalgia and longing, as well as the need for acceptance and closure. This track serves as an inspiring reminder of the power of love and how sweetly our past can shape us – making “Glimpse of Us” a thought-provoking anthem for those in search of closure.


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