Hofer-Reisen AU Review | Carefree Package For Your Next Trip


Suppose you don’t want to leave anything to chance when planning your holiday. In that case, you can play it safe with HOFER REISEN under the motto “carefree”: With the optional carefree package from €5 for car, plane, ship, and train travel, you can up to ten days before the start of the trip without giving any reason. In the event of cancellation, the entire travel price will be refunded quickly and easily without any deductions.

So browse worry-free through their variety of offers and find your dream trip in this Hofer Reisen AU review.


Hofer Reisen AU Review

The most important information about the HOFER REISEN carefree package:




  • Valid for all new bookings from February 1st, 2023
  • From €5 per booking for car, plane, ship, and train journeys
  • Regardless of the selected travel period
  • Valid for all HOFER REISEN package offers (except for individually bookable trips from the hotel and flight category)
  • Can be canceled without risk up to 10 days before the start of the trip (note: only taking out travel insurance allows you to cancel free of charge less than 10 days before arrival, taking into account the insurance requirements!)
  • Possible without giving reasons
  • A full refund of the travel price – simple and fast


Note: A subsequent booking is possible up to 8 days after booking (provided this is at least 30 days before departure).




Prices for the HOFER REISEN carefree package





  • €5 for a travel price of up to €300 per booking
  • €10 for a travel price of up to €600 per booking
  • €20 for a travel price of up to €1,000 per booking
  • €40 for a travel price of up to €2,000 per booking
  • €60 for a travel price of up to €5,000 per booking
  • €140 for a travel price of up to €10,000 per booking
  • €200 for a travel price of €10,001 or more per booking


But even beyond the carefree package, you are safe with HOFER REISEN.


In the event of an official travel warning, we will cancel your booking free of charge. Of course, you will also get your money back in this case.
In addition, we recommend taking out HOFER REISEN travel insurance. This means that you are also well protected in the event of illness shortly before the start of your journey or if you break off your journey prematurely.


Your safety, well-being, and health are their top priority as a tour operator.



Payment processing for telephone or online bookings



The following payment options are available. Please note that the travel documents can only be sent after receiving full payment.
a) Payment by invoice (for bookings up to and including 15 days before departure)
b) Payment by credit card. The following credit cards are accepted: Master Card, Visa and Diners Club.
c) Payment with KLARNA immediate transfer
d) Payment with HOFER REISEN vouchers

So, what are you waiting for? Go and buy your Carefree Package now!

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