Horror Content Coming To Netflix In March 2023

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Are you a fan of horror and mystery movies? If so, you’re in luck because Netflix is set to release some spine-chilling titles this March. Get ready to be scared with our list of the top five horror and mystery movies streaming on Netflix this month. From supernatural hauntings to sinister conspiracies, these films will keep you on the edge of your seat. Read on to discover the scary and horror content coming to Netflix in March 2023.


The Riddick Trilogy

Netflix users will be thrilled to know that the entire Riddick trilogy is making its way to the best streaming platform Netflix. The series, set in the distant future, stars Vin Diesel as the complex lead character. Combining elements of sci-fi, action, and horror, Riddick is a fascinating antihero, a convicted criminal with surgically modified eyes granting him night vision. This captivating series will be available on Netflix from March 16, making it the perfect opportunity to dive into this thrilling sci-fi universe.



Copycat Killer

Based on Miyuki Miyabe’s novel Mohou-han, the upcoming series Copycat Killer follows the story of Taipei’s first-ever serial killer. The killer is intrigued by the media coverage of their crimes and begins using it to manipulate the narrative. The show will be presented from a prosecutor’s perspective, played by Wu Kang-ren, who is working to solve the case. With a promising premise and a trailer that hints at a thrilling and unpredictable ride, Copycat Killer is one to watch out for. Don’t miss its premiere on Netflix on March 31.


Waco: American Apocalypse

Scheduled to debut on Netflix on March 22, this upcoming three-part documentary series sheds light on the tragic event that took place in Waco, Texas, 30 years ago. The series features a combination of news footage, FBI recordings, and exclusive interviews with surviving members of the Branch Davidians and FBI personnel, offering an in-depth exploration of the incident. With promises of uncovering never-before-seen details, this docuseries is sure to provide a unique perspective on the Waco tragedy.



Monique Olivier: Accessory to Evil

This true crime docuseries will hit the streamer on March 2. The story delves into the heinous crimes of French serial killer Michel Fourniret while also exploring the role of his wife, Monique Olivier, who is currently serving a life sentence. With a focus on unraveling the mystery of whether Olivier was a victim or a willing participant in Fourniret’s crimes, This series will provide an exciting and insightful exploration of one of the most well-known criminal cases in modern times.



MH370: The Plane That Disappeared

This suspense and thriller Netflix docuseries explore the mysterious vanishing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 during its journey from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014. The series is also set to release on March 8. This three-part series delves into the perplexing circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the aircraft and the 239 people on board, who remain unaccounted for to this day. While the tragic events of the incident cannot be ignored, the documentary offers speculation and insight into what might have caused the disappearance.




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