When you fall in love the most beautiful thing is to spend the rest of your life with your lover. It’s often that you want your partner to propose to you. You want him to take the big step without being forced but you have to make an effort how to make him propose sooner.
Many times a man intends to overlook this matter and they’re happy with the routine. Often they do not intend to change it. Many times they are just dragging the big question though they don’t want to lose their special person. There are 5 ways that you can adapt to make him propose sooner.
How To Make Him Propose Sooner
1 Become His Weakness

Sometimes men need assurance that being married does not mean that their freedom is gone. So you have to become his weakness. This will happen if you know his little things. Like, his favorite food on the table. If he needs time to be away and you are not being insecure. When you will make an effort and that he needs his personal space. He will understand your importance and consider a marriage proposal on the table.
2 Value Yourself Because You Are Important

It is exciting to talk to your partner in the initial days all the time. You have to agree those long phone calls in the early days are exciting. Yet! With time it becomes boring. It becomes more like a job to call. This is why you need to show that you have your goals and career to focus on. This is why the other person would feel that you have a life too. When you value yourself he will consider that being married to you will not be difficult and the freedom is not going away.
3. Create A Goal To Move Out
You don’t have to move out actually! You have to pretend that you intend to move out. You have to make a goal that moving to a certain place can help you achieve more in your career. Conversations like these will make him realize that he cannot lose you.
4 Meet Your friends

Often women make the man-centered of their life. This is why many times they miss out on being friends. Weeks after weeks you miss out on those lunch dates and then you are not being invited. This is the time for a reunion. Meet your friends. Spend some quality time with them. When you spend your time more on other things, it will make him realize how important your presence is in his life.
5 Be Pretty Because You have Other Options

Sometimes you need to make the other person realize that you can look for other people too. Meet and greet people occasionally. Talk about some incident in meeting a new person and how attractive he was that he intended to give you a vibe. Make him understand that you have other options too but do not scare him.
Sometimes you have to push your man in how to make him propose sooner because men enjoy routine life more than something out of the ordinary. If you are the one that will be irritated as you are not around him all the time.