Love Traveling But Scared Of The Repercussions? Let InterMundial Travel Insurance Help You Out

InterMundial travel insurance

Past security, there is freedom, the freedom to fully explore all of the opportunities that have been presented to us, and the freedom to be worry-free. InterMundial provides insurance plans that give you that feeling of safety. Whether you’re planning a vacation or a business trip, InterMunidal has you sorted. They provide a wide range of insurance products that are divided into three categories: business, travel, and sports insurance. This ensures that you can choose the right policy for you. Furthermore, InterMundial has established a solid reputation over time through its great post-Covid services and great customer support. Let’s take a deeper look at InterMundial travel insurance policies


InterMundial Travel Insurance Plans:

TotalTravel – Family Insurance:

From 10.62€ per person per trip

The best feeling in the world is knowing that the ones you love are safe and sound. InterMundial family insurance plan comes with a ton of benefits at an affordable cost. The plan covers all your PCR expenses and further Covid related expenses, it also covers trip delays, luggage loss, accidents, and medical emergencies. Additionally, the plan has civil liability and you can cancel it anytime you want.

Learn more here!


Go-Easy | Insurance Plan for Adventurers:

From 20.13€ per person for a 90-day trip.


InterMundial made this plan specifically for adventurous individuals who dislike inconvenient insurance policies. The plan is simple enough to get into, has high customizability, is easily cancellable anytime from anywhere, and is rather cheap. Additionally, it comes with all the perks that you’d expect from an InterMundial plan, from luggage-loss coverage and sports coverage to PCR tests, accidents, and medical coverage, it has it all.

Find out more here!


Go-Study | Insurance Plan for Students:

From 19€ per week for the global plan.

Are you a student who is stepping out of your comfort zone to pursue bigger goals? Then rest easy because InterMundial has the ideal insurance package for you. The Go-Study plan is available for every type of international education, including language courses, PhDs, and Bachelor’s degrees. The policy includes medical and travel coverage, as well as civil liability coverage, which reimburses you if you mistakenly caused damage to a foreign person or property. Additionally, the plan covers COVID testing and luggage loss.

Find out more here!


TotalTravel – Annual Travel Insurance:

From 155.86€ in total or 13€ per month.


This insurance package is designed for travel enthusiasts, and it covers all of your PCIR tests as well as any expenses you may incur on your trip. Moreover, the policy can cover any lost luggage or medical issues you may encounter while traveling abroad. You only need to contact InterMundial prior to arranging your travel, or you can notify them prior to your departure. The plan also comes with civil liability, which reimburses you for any unintentional damage caused to foreign people or property on your trip.

To sum it all up, InterMundial travel insurance policies are affordable with great features and they’re high in quantity, so it’s not difficult to find the best match for you.

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