Locauto Rent IT Reviews Best Rental Services

Locauto rent IT reviews

Locauto is a 100 percent Italian company, specializing in short, medium, and long-term rental services for cars and commercial vehicles. Their headquarter is in Milan, they have commercial offices in Rome and rental locations throughout the country. Locauto IT has been among the first companies to offer innovative renting and automotive solutions. Also, they have been among the first Italian companies to launch long-term car rental as an alternative to leasing.

So, without further ado let’s discuss their five amazing services!

Locauto Rent IT Reviews The Ultimate 5 Best Services


Monthly Rental



If you need to travel, with challenging routes in terms of kilometers, and you need to do it safely, monthly rental Monthly+ by Locauto is the right solution for you. You’ll keep the car with 3.500 km/month included in the rate and an additional driver with no additional costs. Moreover, you can prepay the full amount of your rental with a 5% discount on the “Pay on arrival” rate.

Locauto Monthly+: travel safely and free.

No Deposit

Need to rent a car for a few hours, just one day, a week, or more, without blocking any deposit on your credit card? You can do it right now with Locauto. When booking your rental on this website, through the App, via the call center, or directly at our rental offices, no pre-authorization will be requested on your credit card anymore.

Rent a car without paying any deposits.


For your short-term travel



Moving with Locauto, from now is even more flexible and convenient. If you need to plan a quick move or a trip with a return on the same day, you can save more by choosing between two different rates, 6 or 12 hours. You’ll save up to 40% with respect to the basic daily rate. Also, you can rent safely with the Smart Check-In service.

Start booking your car rental for 6 or 12 hours.


Car rental for new drivers



LOCAUTO YOUNG is the first service dedicated to novice drivers who wish to rent a car in Italy. With Locauto Young even novice drivers can rent a car with theft and damage full coverage. A safe and simple product, designed for those who have just got their driving license and wish to live a no-stress driving experience, totally free. Select your age group and make sure you are declaring you’ve had your license for less than 12 months.

This is an amazing offer for novice drivers.


The rental car directly to your door


The convenience of booking a car and the request for home/office delivery is just a click away. Locauto Express is the new car rental home delivery and pickup service. Start the online chat to submit your request. Moreover, you will be immediately informed about the cost of the rental, with all the best rates available, home delivery and pickup included.

Experience this amazing offer provided by Locauto.


In this Locauto rent IT reviews we have discussed five of the best services provided by them.

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