Park, Fly, Relax With Parken und Fliegen DE

Parken und Fliegen review

Unlock stress-free travel with Parken und Fliegen DE. Leave your car in their capable hands while you embark on your journey. Their secure and convenient airport parking solutions ensure your vehicle’s safety, allowing you to relax and enjoy your travels. Park, fly and unwind with confidence, courtesy of Parken und Fliegen DE, your trusted partner in seamless airport parking.

Makes Traveling a Breeze With Parken und Fliegen DE

Cheap parking at the airport

starting from €24 per week


There are a lot of things to consider when planning a flight. It starts with the journey: How do you get to the airport with your luggage comfortably and cost-effectively? Park-and-Fly has the solution: travel by car and park the vehicle at the airport.

They make it easy for you: Reserve a parking space near the airport online with them and they’ll take care of the rest! On the day of departure, you park the vehicle in one of the parking spaces at the airport arranged by them and the free shuttle will take you to the terminal punctually and reliably.

Travel comfortably with valet parking offers.


Cheap hotels at the airport | Park, relax & fly


Would you like to spend the night at the airport and save yourself having to arrive in the middle of the night if you have an early flight? Park-and-fly makes this possible. We arrange overnight stays in airport hotels – parking included!

Why not start your vacation a day earlier and get to the airport a day early? You are under less time pressure to arrive at the airport on time. And: You don’t have to look for an airport parking space, because parking in the hotel parking lot is included for at least 15 days. A hotel at the airport offers many advantages!

Enjoy convenient airport hotels with parking!


Airport Lounge


Start your next flight without any hassle and enjoy the waiting time at the airport. They have just the thing for you: Book an airport lounge and let yourself be pampered for a few hours in a stylish, feel-good atmosphere! Whether before the start of your journey, during a stopover or before the return flight: turn the waiting time into a relaxing experience!

Treat yourself to the new travel must-have!


Cheap parking & hotels at the cruise port


Are you planning a sea or river cruise and would like to travel comfortably by car? Then book a parking space at the harbour or a hotel including parking at a reasonable price now.

Whether Hamburg, Warnemünde or Passau. With them, you will find the ideal parking space for the duration of your cruise. Are you travelling around the world for several months? No problem! Most of the parking spaces they arrange offer you long-term parking spaces with high-security standards. Your car is in the best hands during your trip! So you can spend your dream vacation in a relaxed manner.

Parking at the harbour – put your vehicle in safe hands!


Park, fly, and let your worries skydive – Choose Parken und Fliegen DE!


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