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Here are some of the books that you can find on Hive, which are also the reader’s choice:
How to Live When You Could Be Dead
Penned by journalist and podcast host Deborah James, the tale is about her courageous and inspiring life journey of dealing with incurable bowel cancer and carrying on with life having a positive mindset that helped her cope with her diagnosis.
How to Live When You Could Be Dead, as the title suggests, tells you how you can do it. It will help readers and urge them to question their lives and their choices. The book perfectly tells you how to live as there is no tomorrow. Moreover, it guides the reader on developing a positive mindset and how, through this positivity, one can achieve anything they want to.
Order your copy of How to Live When You Could be Dead
The Value of a Whale: On the Illusions of Green Capitalism
This book is both honest and hopeful. AdirenneBuller takes an in-depth look at the intensifying loot of the natural world. The books actually ask the readers what they really value. The author has brilliantly examined the increasing devastation of natural resources and exposes the biased attitudes that have led to the formulation of climate and environmental policymaking.
Value of a Whale talks about the green face of capitalism in the 21st century. Even though with immense wealth how billions are still living below the poverty line. An ideal read for everyone including policymakers, climate activists, and concerned citizens who are seeking to grasp hope for a better future.
Get the Value of a Whale from Hive today!
Bargain Bin Rom-Com
Bargain Bin Rom-Com is Leena Norms’ first collection of poems. A British poet and writer, she has been sharing poetry for a decade online. Her poetry is known to be a pocket full of sunshine. However, if you understand, there is a lot of shadow and shade in them as well. Bargain Bin Rom Com is warm and funny. Readers will be able to relate to it easily. Norm’s work is funny, clever, and hopeful at the same time. This book is her first full-length collection.
Grab this pocket full of sunshine
The Lincoln Highway: A New York Times Number One Bestseller
Beautifully written, the Lincoln Highway is an epic and original piece of work that keeps the reader hooked. Every paragraph is written impeccably and takes the rider on a wonderful journey. The Lincoln Highway is truly a special book that features perfect characters and brilliant writing.
It wouldn’t be wrong to say that The Lincoln Highway is all set to become an American classic worthy of placing next to How to Kill a Mockingbird and The Catcher in the Rye.
Buy your copy of The Lincoln Highway today from Hive!