Unlock the Secrets of SoFi Stadium Tour US: A Journey through Iconic Tours

sofi stadium

The Inglewood-based SoFi Stadium, one of the most iconic sports and entertainment facilities in the United States, provides fans and visitors with numerous tours that allow them to delve deeper into the fine details of this modern arena. There are many tours that each passenger can enjoy at SoFi Stadium, whether as a football fan, an architecture lover, an educator, or a group tour. SoFi Stadium Tour US is more than a football facility; students, teachers, and people, in general, can visit to have first contact with the NFL and its workflow or do educational field trips.

SoFi Stadium Tour US Tours Tailored for Every Fan

Group Tours

Price: $45.10



SoFi Stadium has different kinds of exclusive guided tours for different groups that are at least 20 persons. It’s therefore the perfect place for that birthday celebration, the corporate meeting, or a special dining event as there is a stadium tour package to fit your requirements. Each group tour is thus customized to avoid creating a monotonous feeling by having your event to be unique and memorable. Experience all the facilities of the stadium, the field, and many more with a private guide at your disposal.

Organize your next group event at SoFi Stadium!



VIP Tour Experience

Price: $45.10



VIP Tour Experience gives behind-the-scenes access to SoFi Stadium restricted areas. The spectators will be able to embark into the locker rooms and the private suites, into the players’ tunnel, and step on the field and the famous Oculus.

For the ultimate stadium tour take the VIP Tour Experience. Reserve your spot now!



Field Trips

Price: $45.10



Field Trips at SoFi Stadium meet the educational nature of the field trips so that students can learn while being entertained. This tour will give students a feeling of what it is like to manage a venue of international standard. Some of the facilities offered during the tour are the team’s changing room, players’ tunnel, and many other areas in the stadium. children will also be involved in field activities thus something fun and more of a learning process rather than learning.

Organise today a SoFi Stadium Field Trip for your students!



Behind-the-Scenes Tour

Price: $45.10


This tour, aptly named ‘Behind the Scenes’, is ideal for all the people who want to peek into the arrangement and operations of a stadium. This is a behind-the-scenes tour that covers the workings of the stadium in production including the broadcast control room, and press box among others. You will also be able to see where it goes down behind the scenes in the lockers during the games. Indeed a perfect tour especially for sporting enthusiasts as well as those with a flair of curiosity.

Book your Behind-the-Scenes Tour today!


SoFi Stadium Tours can be deemed as the exclusive opportunity to visit one of the world’s most important sports facilities. No matter whether you are in the mood for an all-access pass, some architectural education or perhaps some quality family time, you’ll find a tour to suit you.

Book your tour in one of the most fascinating places in the country!


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