The Lion King is a Broadway musical based on Disney’s 1994 film, telling the story of Simba, a lion prince who must reclaim his throne after his father’s tragic death. Featuring iconic songs by Elton John and Tim Rice, the show is known for its stunning visuals, innovative puppetry, and powerful themes of identity and responsibility. It’s one of the longest-running and most popular Broadway productions, captivating audiences of all ages.
The Lion King Musical, Presented by Mirvish
About The Show
Experience the magic of Disney’s The Lion King musical, a captivating adaptation of the beloved animated film. This award-winning production features iconic songs by Elton John and Tim Rice, including “Circle of Life” and “Can You Feel the Love Tonight.” With its innovative puppetry, stunning visuals, and powerful storytelling, The Lion King offers an unforgettable theatrical experience for audiences of all ages.
Embark on a Journey of Heart and Harmony, The Lion King Awaits!
Experience the magic of Disney’s The Lion King at Toronto’s Princess of Wales Theatre. Tickets are now available for performances through April 27, 2025. For optimal seat selection, consider booking for weeknight shows from January to April 2025. Please note that tickets for November and December 2024 are extremely limited; check regularly for last-minute releases.
Embark on a Journey of Heart and Harmony, The Lion King Awaits!
Groups & Schools
Experience the magic of Disney’s The Lion King with your group at Toronto’s Princess of Wales Theatre. For performances from November 2, 2024, to April 27, 2025, groups of 10–29 can book online to save 10% on select seating and performances. For groups of 30 or more, call 1.800.461.3333 to save 20%. School groups can enjoy $50 pricing for select performances between January 7 and July 17, 2025. Enhance your experience with curated educational resources, including classroom activities and behind-the-scenes videos.
Embark on a Journey of Heart and Harmony, The Lion King Awaits!
Education Resources
Enhance your experience of Disney’s The Lion King with our curated educational resources. Explore classroom activities, behind-the-scenes videos, and production history to deepen your understanding of this iconic musical. Access the comprehensive study guide and teacher’s guide to bring the magic of The Lion King into your educational setting
Embark on a Journey of Heart and Harmony, The Lion King Awaits
Take advantage of the dazzling magic of Disney’s The Lion King at Toronto’s Princess of Wales Theatre. With fantastic music, stunning graphics, and an incredible story, this is more than just a concert; it’s a trip for everyone. Book your tickets now and let the wheel of life fascinate your senses!