Twitter Faces Glitches – Users are Logging Out From Their Accounts

canberra times

The social media platform Twitter has been experiencing an ongoing string of technical problems that have caused inconvenience to its users. Most recently, many desktop users suddenly got logged out with no warning or option to log back in. It’s not the first time this unanticipated issue has arisen since Elon Musk joined as CEO last year, so let’s look closer at the cause of these glitches and what Twitter is doing to remedy them.



Details on the Twitter Outage

If you’re a regular Twitter user, chances are you’ve experienced the recent issue: being logged out of your account without warning and unable to log back in. This bizarre issue started in May after seemingly smooth sailing for several months – but Twitter or its CEO, Elon Musk, has not responded officially.

The technical hiccup raises a plethora of questions: what caused the glitch? Will there be a solution soon? Why did this happen? Tweeps everywhere are eager to have answers to these questions and news regarding when we can expect a resolution.



Previous Glitches on Twitter

Twitter encountered a few technical glitches, like outages and other faults, in February and March this year. As of now, users are reporting that they are logging out of their accounts unexpectedly. On top of this, some people were informed that they had hit the maximum amount of tweets or follow limits even though no activity happened from their side. Apart from these worries, when billionaire Elon Musk became the CEO in February 2021, it was also reported that around 200 staff members would be laid off.



Users’ Reactions to the Outage


Users had a strong reaction to the recent outage on Twitter. Many took to social media, denouncing their frustrations and questioning Twitter’s silence about the issue.

One user suggested that deleting cookies may help solve it; however, there has been no official statement from Twitter on its efficacy so far.

Some users reported briefly recovering their verified check marks by editing profile information, leading many to believe that this was Turmitter’s way of addressing the problem.

The outage left users who were used to the seamless functioning of the platform feeling disappointed and distraught:

  • People felt frustrated with the lack of response from Twitter
  • Some speculated on helpful fixes for others to try out
  • Users lost access to their verified checkmarks temporarily
  • There was an overall negative reception toward the disruption



The Outage Resolved with No Answers

Luckily, it appears that the outage has largely subsided on its own with no explanation from Twitter – they only offered up a poop emoji when asked by press inquiries about what was going on! While this is certainly an unsatisfying resolution, many are simply grateful that they’ve managed to regain access to their accounts without much difficulty.



How Can We Keep Ourselves Protected From Future Outages?


It’s best to take things step by step, write down every action taken, and then contact customer support for help in cases like a Twitter interruption, when everyone and multiple regions are disrupted all at once. We can only wait it out until the company solves it from its end before attempting anything else on our side.

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