Wolt SE – Join The Largest Employer Of Wolt Couriers

wolt se

Wolt SE is a tech company from Finland and is best known for its delivery app that connects customers, local businesses, and couriers looking for an opportunity to make money in a flexible way. In 2015 they started with restaurant food and they later added grocery stores, gifts, and other items. Now it is possible for people living in hundreds of cities across 23 countries to have what they need to be delivered quickly and reliably to their front door. Wolt SE tries to do the right thing and make every city they open a better place.

Whether you have a craving for your favorite meal from the restaurant around the corner, or you’re hungry but not sure what you want to eat, Wolt will help you find it.


Become A Courier Partner With Wolt SE


Why deliver with Wolt?



As a courier partner of Wolt, you can earn money by delivering orders to local customers. You decide your schedule and when you want to deliver and when you don’t want to deliver all by yourself. It’s easy to get started and no previous experience is needed!


A couple of things that are good to know before you get started


Competitive Income



✔ The more deliveries you make, the more money you earn

✔ Get paid per delivery and for the distance, you traveled.


Flexible Working Hours



✔ Different full-time and part-time jobs, you decide your working hours.

✔ You can adjust your working hours in a way that suits you, regardless of whether you have other jobs, studies, or want to rest more.


Fantastic Support



✔ Wolt’s support team is always available if/when you need help

✔ The Courier Partner app makes it easy to get help and guidance.


Get started with 3 easy steps



  1. Submit your application
  2. Become Approved
  3. Deliver and earn money

Take advantage and register yourself now!


Their simple application requirements



✔ A car (or bicycle and moped in certain areas)

✔ A driving license (for motor vehicles)

✔ Identification and evidence

✔ A smartphone with internet access


Get yourself prepared and register now!


Fleet benefit

Rent a car almost for free

Couriers who drive under their fleet can use the services of a car rental company, which has prepared a special offer for them: Prices from 233 CZK per day.


What does Wolt offer that other traditional courier jobs don’t?



Wolt courier Partners can work flexibly, by deciding for themselves when they want to work. As a Wolt courier, you don’t have to choose between working with only traditional full-time or part-time deliveries. Instead, as an independent contractor, you can choose your own schedule.


How does the Wolt Courier Partner app work?



The Wolt Courier Partner app offers helpful tools such as driving direction suggestions, hotspots, and real-time total income. Once you are approved to deliver, you can open the Wolt Courier Partner app and go online. You will then be able to accept and decline orders.

Sign up today and get started right away with Wolt SE!

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