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Whipsnade Zoo is an unforgettable day out for the whole family. With over 2,500 animals to see, most of which are endangered, it’s a great place to learn about animal conservation. You can also feed the giraffes, walk with the penguins, and meet some friendly farm animals. What’s more exciting is that you can have up to 50% ZSL discounts.


ZSL Discounts Has Something For Everyone


Boo at the Zoo


Boo at the Zoo is a spooky, fun-filled event for the whole family! Join us at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo for a range of ghoulish activities, including a ghost train, pumpkin carving, and fancy dress competitions. There will be plenty of opportunities to meet some of our resident animals too, with special keeper talks and animal feedings taking place throughout the day.

Book the ticket now and don’t forget to pick up your free goody bag on your way out!


London Zoo Animals



ZSL London Zoo has delighted tourists for many years. Over 750 endangered or vulnerable animal species live at the zoo. The zoo’s aim is conservation and education, and it provides several methods for visitors to learn about nature and ZSL’s conservation efforts.

Each section of the zoo is designed around a certain concept. The Land of the Lions is home to a pride of Asiatic lions, while Penguin Beach is a temperate zone where penguins swim and dive in their pool. There are various biomes, such as tropical rainforests, deserts, aquariums, and reptile homes.

So, why wait to see the wonders?


ZSL Membership



ZSL membership is a great way to support their work as well as get closer to the animals yourself. As a member, you can visit their zoos for free as often as possible (a small charge applies to ZSL Whipsnade Zoo). You’ll also receive their award-winning magazine, Wildlife News, every quarter. Membership starts from just £39 a year for an adult and £20 for a child. And if you’re aged 16–24, you can join them for free!

Find out more about this amazing place and sign up today.


Donate to Saving Wildlife



It should come as no surprise that many species of animals are in danger and that climate change is a major contributor to this crisis. By donating to ZSL, you can help London Zoo and Whipsnade Zoo to work for the mass recovery of wildlife. They invest in scientific research to find a viable solution for sustaining wildlife.

Donations of any size are much appreciated, whether you can spare £5, £10, £20, or more. They are making real efforts to prevent extinction. The illegal wildlife trade is one of the causes they are fighting for. Habitat loss is a serious issue, and they are tackling it with all the support you’re providing them.

Take a stance for the greater good!


So, visit them now and see the essence of wildlife at their doors. You will connect to nature because that’s what ZSL discounts are all about.

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